Tag: Matthias W. Reimann

Do Amercians Make Better Global Lawyers? Yes, And Here’s Why…

In a post in December 2012, I had promised that I would follow up with the answer to that question, which was taken from Professor Mathias W. Reimann’s 13th Ernst Rabel Lecture, delivered at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law in Hamburg. Following up took a bit longer, than I had thought. However, the lecture has now been published in The Rabel Journal of Comparative and International Private Law (RabelsZ). The title of the published article is somewhat less provocative: it now reads “The American Advantage in the Global Lawyering.”


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Update: Do Americans Make Better Global Lawyers?

In October 2012, I asked the question and pointed to a lecture by professor Mathias W. Reimann, who promised to have the answers: “Why Americans Make Better Global Lawyers”. The lecture was to be delivered at the Max Planck Institute in Hamburg as the 13th Ernst Rabel Lecture. I promised that I would follow up on the topic, but I must ask my readers to wait until January 2014, when the manuscript is scheduled for publication in The Rabel Journal of Comparative and International Private Law (RabelsZ). In the meantime, Gian-Reto Schulthess picked up the question, and reached the conclusion that Americans may make better gobal lawyers, but Europeans make better international lawyers.

P.S.: Professor Reimann states, on his website: “Please note: Prof. Reimann does not use email.” There are days on which I envy him.