Tag: Germany

IBA Litigation Committee: Impact of COVID-19 on Court Operations and Litigation Practice

IBA LOGOThe IBA Litigation Committe has produced a survey looking at the impact of COVID-19 on court operations and litigation practice across 37 different jurisdictions – from Argenina to the United States. Jeff Galway and Urs Hoffmann-Nowotny served as general editors and I had the honour of contributing the chapter on Germany. The plan is to update the survey as matters develop in the various jurisdictions. Here’s the link to the IBA Litigation Committe homepage and here is a link to the report in its current form. Read More

International Litigation News: Standard & Poor’s in Courts Around the Globe

The April 2013 edition of International Litigation News, the newsletter of the IBA’s Litigation Committee, has just come out yesterday (ahead of the Committe’s Annual Litigation Forum in Istanbul next week. If you are attending, let me know, it would be great to meet in person.) International Litigation News features contributions from five jurisdictions on litigation against credit rating agencies, namely in Australia, Italy, the United States, England and Germany.  Read More