The Frankfurt Court of Appeals (Oberlandesgericht) is creating additional specialized senates (a Senat is a division of the court of appeals, sitting with three judges) as of the beginning of this year.
Tag: Deutscher Juristentag
The Role of the Judge in Civil Litigation – Are the Procedural Rules Still Up to Date?
The Association of German Jurists (Deutscher Juristentag) is a venerable institution, one of the oldest in Germany’s legal community, having been established in 1860. It aims to promote the development of the legal system across all fields of law. Its recommendations have often been a catalyst for legal reforms. The Association’s activities culminate in the bi-annual German Jurists Forum (Deutscher Juristentag). This year, the 70th German Jurists Forum, will be held from September 16 to 19, 2014 in Hannover. One of its “divisions” (Abteilung) will be devoted to the role of the judge in the context of civil litigation reforms. Read More
Hot Topics in Legal Policy: Resolutions of the 2012 German Jurists Forums (Deutscher Juristentag)
This week, the 2012 German Jurists Forum (Deutscher Juristentag) took place in München. The German Jurists Forum is a bi-annual conference organized by the Association of German Jurists. The Association’s history goes back more than 150 years – the München German Jurists Forum was the 69th Forum of its kind. The Forum brings together lawyers in private practice, in-house lawyers, civil servants, judges and academics to discuss legal reform projects and legal policy. It has time and time again proved rather influential. Its deliberations receive wide coverage in the legal and non-legal press alike. This year, the topics, to name only some, ranged from consumer protection (civil law/contract law section) to cyber crime (criminal law section), and from privacy and data protection in the internet age (IT law section) to corporate governance (business law section). Read More