Month: March 2017

Frankfurt vs London – Brexit: An Opportunity for Frankfurt to Become a New Hub of Litigation in Europe?

Eintracht_Frankfurt_Logo_svgEintracht Frankfurt has had a great run in the first half of the current Bundesliga season, eying a spot in next season’s Europa League or, behold, even a Champions League slot. So matches between Frankfurt and one of the London teams appeared a real possibility. More recently, Eintracht’s losing streak of five straight matches has cast some doubt over these ambitions, even though the team just about manage to hold on to a Europa League Slot for now. But of course, there’s the Brexit-induced battle between London and Frankfurt for the lead role in the European financial services sector that will go ahead in any event. Read More

Speeding Up Arbitration: New ICC Expedited Rules In Force

ICC Court of Arbitration LogoThe ICC has introduced new rules for expedited proceedings that apply to all arbitration agreements entered into from March 1, 2017 onwards. With that step, the ICC is following other leading international arbitral institutions that have introduced similar expedited rules, such as ACICA, DIS, HKIAC, ICDR, SCC, SIAC, and the Swiss Rules. Read More