Edward Machin at CDR Commercial Dispute Resolution has written a piece, quoting yours truly on the German view point, on PRIME’s ambition “to turn bankers’ heads to arbitration” – an interesting survey on PRIME Finance, or the Panel of Recognised International Market Experts on Finance by its full name, that was set up last year in The Hague. Read More
Month: May 2013
New IBA Guidelines on Party Representation in International Arbitration
The IBA Council, at its session of May 25, 2013, has approved the IBA Guidelines on Party Representation in International Arbitration. The IBA’s International Arbitration Committee and its Task Force on Counsel Conduct have produced guidelines for party representation and counsel conduct in international arbitration. Here is what the IBA have to say about the new guidelines: Read More
Update: Federal Supreme Court – Full Judgment on Google Autocomplete Published
The full judgment of the Federal Supreme Court’s judgment on Google’s autocomplete functionality for search terms was published on Friday last week – the same day, as it happens, as the English High Court judgment on the defamatory character of Sally Bercow’s tweet on Lord McAlpine. Read More
Art Law: Expert Found Liable For Opinion On Fake Max Ernst Painting
Le Monde reported yesterday that art historian and former Centre George Pompidou director Werner Spies had been ordered to pay damages in the order of EUR 650,000 to the purchaser of a painting. Tremblement de terre purportedly was a work of Max Ernst. Spies, a world-leading expert on Max Ernst and Pablo Picasso, had, according to the Tribunal de grande instance de Nanterre, authenticated the painting and delivered an expert opinion on which the purchaser had relied. Tremblement de terre, however, turned out to be fake. It had been produced by Wolfgang Beltracchi, the man at the centre of Germany’s biggest art scandal for decades. Read More