Month: September 2016

Securities Litigation in Germany: Volkswagen and The Fall-out of Dieselgate

Landgericht BraunschweigOn the blog, we have tracked the jurisdictional journey of securities litigation brought against Porsche in relation to its failed attempt to take over Volkswagen (see here and here, for example). Now, Volkswagen itself is at the centre of the most recent wave of big-time securities litigation. Investors are suing VW for failure to inform markets on time about the diesel emissions scandal, also known as Dieselgate. Jurisdictionally, things are pretty straightforward this time. The competent court, the Braunschweig District Court (Landgericht) issued a press release earlier this week on the current scope of the litigation. Read More

ICC Arbitrator Appointments: A First Look At The Data

ICC Court of Arbitration LogoAs reported here earlier, in January 2016, the ICC Court announced that it would start to publish the names of arbitrators serving in ICC administered cases.

When the first six names and the corresponding information were released in June 2016, the snapshot of arbitrator appointment at the time was surprisingly young, and surprisingly female: At that point in time, six sole arbitrators had been appointed, three of them were women. Looking at the biographies on the website of the arbitrators, the majority – both male and female – of them struck me as young (at least by the standards of the arbitration community, and using graduation and bar admittance dates as proxies for age). Read More