Month: September 2014

10th Frankfurt Roundtable on Investment Law and Investment Treaty Arbitration, November 4, 2014

The Frankfurt Roundtable on Investment Law and Investment Treaty Arbitration is taking place on November 4, 2014 and celebrating its 10th anniversary. As always, the event is organized by Alfred Escher and Jan Schäfer – congratulations! Here’s a link to the full programme: Gesprächskreis Investitionsrecht und -schiedsgerichtsbarkeit 2014.

European Union Agrees Rules to Manage Investor-State Disputes

This is from last week’s press release issued by the European Commission: “The European Union today took an important step towards creating a comprehensive EU investment policy, with the publication of a Regulation setting out a new set of rules to manage disputes under the EU’s investment agreements with its trading partners. The rules – set out in the Regulation on financial responsibility under future investor-to-state disputes – are a necessary component of a common EU investment policy. Read More