If you ever read German legal literature or German statutes, the likelihood is that you did come across C. H. Beck, Germany’s pre-eminent legal publishing house. Earlier this month, C.H. Beck celebrated its 250th birthday. And if you pursued a law degree, you will have spent a fortune on their products.
Myops, the non-mainstream legal journal published by, of course, C.H. Beck, in its September issue has the story behind Schönfelder and all the other loose-leaf collections of German laws that are more than any other C. H. Beck product the publisher’s hall mark.*
A familiy buisness in its sixth generation, C. H. Beck is managed by a pair of brothers, one looking after the legal division, the other leading the substantial non-legal arm of the company.
* Jens Gal, Die Spur der Backsteine, myops 19 (2013), 57.