Tag: Elinor Ostrom

Common Sense: Ancient ADR Traditions – Tribunal de las Aguas de la Vega de Valencia

Triggered by Elinor Ostrom’s obituary in The Economist, I briefly wrote about traditional ways of dispute settlement, in particular in farming communities. Today’s post by Nicolas Ulmer at the Kluwer Arbitration Blog shares interesting observations on such an ancient tradition in Spain, the Tribunal de las Aguas de la Vega de Valencia. The Tribunal is a self-regulatory body dealing with water disputes amongst farmers in the Huerta region around Valencia. Its tradition is traced back to Roman times. Nicolas Ulmer describes it as follows:

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Common Sense: Order Without Law

Over the week end, I read Nobel laureate Elinor Ostrom’s obituary in The Economist. “It seemed to Elinor Ostrom,” The Economist summarized her findings,  “that the world contained a large body of common sense. People, left to themselves, would sort out rational ways of surviving and getting along.”  Read More