Tag: Winfried Bausback

Art Law: Does Gurlitt Case Trigger Reform of Limitation Rules?

In an interview in Friday’s Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Winfried Bausback, the Bavarian Minster for Justice set out his plans to amend the limitation rules in such a way that the heirs of owners of looted art could reclaim their property from Gurlitt (Kein Vertrauensschutz für bösgläubige Besitzer). Bausback, a professor of public law by trade and, as it happens, the member of the Bavarian Landtag for my home town Aschaffenburg, was appointed to the office in October 2013, just before the Gurlitt case was to become public and found himself thrown into the limelight immediately. Here is how he proposes to address the limitation issue: Read More